Sunday, November 9, 2008

I made the front page....hhehee....of Etsy :)

I know, I know....some of you just won't get it at all....and to be quite honest, I did not think I was going to think it was going to be a big deal...but oh my....hehehe....was I happy girl when I got to see this...

Mine of course is the little dress at the bottom....but OH how happy was I to see this...the front page rotates about every hour or so, so to actually catch see in it is pretty good....I actually STILL have it open on one of my it was early yesterday morning that is was up...yup...I am a little bit odd...hehehe...but I like me that way. Now the only reason that I actually caught this little bit of gold so early in the morning is because I am still going through my bouts of insomnia....sigh....and even worse it is not a productive insomnia. I spent most of the night up in chat, from FaceBook to Twitter....nicely got caught up with old friends and my sister...but nothing could get me into a tired enough state to get me into bed.....the reason is empty. Yes it is full of 3 very furry dogs....but it is empty enough to not want to get into it. I miss my husband tremendously that I am losing sleep over it. He calls me daily....sometimes umpteen times...but I need to hold him. We are a very touchy feely couple...after almost 15 years together and we are still like that....he is my air, my story, the reason why I love my life so much. He gave me my life 3 times over...and I need him by my side....not to feel complete....but just to feel in general. Sad state we

Can someone please just buy this we can be together again, and I can stop feeling so tragic.

Back to the sewing machine, and hopes that dreamland comes to me tonight....


Angela said...


kandy said...

That is a beautiful thing Jenn~!!!!

Terri Pezzullo - Handmade said...

Jenn~ Congrats on getting in a treasury!! And thanks for visiting my blog!

LiPeony said...

congrats! And cheer up... my SO and me live in two different states and sometimes getting together is very hard due to our schedules... hang in there!

Ribbons and Pigtails said...

Hi Jenn, Congratulations!! I am stopping by to say hi from the CBC forum :) I have been an admirer of your clothes, now your blog :)

Dana said...

Congrats! Thats GREAT!

Drew said...

I made the frontpage once. It was awesome! I didn't think it would be a big deal either but when it happened I couldn't stop grinning ear to ear. I also took a screen shot like you!

Your shop is adorable! I'm also on Etsy as Dumainestreet. :-)

Mannie of MannieMandible said...

First of all, CONGRATS! I do aspire to be on the front page someday!

Second of all, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog about the progress I've made with my popcorn scarf (:
