Saturday, November 22, 2008

Long Lasting Forever Friends

It is 3:48am....and while this is not really unusual for me, as I pretty much have insomnia, I was actually asleep tonight. But I left the door open to my bedroom door, and leaving the door open is a bad thing, cause that means that the dogs have free roam without at 3 this morning, they go slightly nutz....and then I here the pathetic "MEOW"....."Meow"....oh yes....I have cats too. Now Said cats and said dogs do not get along....they have generally been separate since we got dog #2, about 2 years ago. Now the cats have free range of my DH's shop....and come out at night. "MY" cat Aura takes more of a gamble and tries to get out while being chased back in quite often, but man he tries...he is such a people cat, that I feel extremely guilty. But the sweet purring machine has been with me for just about 17 years now...and giving him up is not an option. He is now getting so small, and not as quick that it is dangerous for him to get out. Not that the dogs would do anything, they just like to chase and sniff...but still a little upsetting for the real "King" of the house. So I have made a bed for him on my sewing table in the back with a cat bed and everything, so he can at least be in a human's presence. He is just sitting there purring.....:) We have been through 10 moves together, boyfriends (well mine, not his), marriage, more cats, kids, tears, long night talks, more now dogs....17 years is a long time to be together....and he gets me...maybe even more than my DH....shhhhh......

So today is(was) one of my favorite days of all the was the day that I decorated the lovely Ms. Birks home...for her Christmas decorations. Now I think one of the very first blogs was about my love for decorating her home. It is just so amazingly eclectic. I mean, no one decorates like her and has a flair of the odd, and unsually fantastic. No, no kidding.....really....I want to be not me...I want to be her....cause it is just amazing....sigh....

and really...these pictures are just the supreme tip of the is just amazing to walk in her is a feast for the eyes....that mosiac 9ft high, and it is in her rocks....oh....her her dog, is named Sushi...not a coincidence at all....I named mine after hers :)

oh one last thing before I go (okay actually two...ooops) The girls from the POP!kids ebay groups and the Not So Plain Jaynes are having there annual "Nifty Gifty for Under Fifty" launch....lots of fun gifties to give under the tree...or to yourself...check it out here

okay....another thing that you must know about, sigh....

I am anti Christmas music....completely...hate it, and if I start hearing it before December...I gag....stagger out from whatever store I was in...refuse to step in until the song is have a blog that has "THAT" music on it...I hit the back button....I won't go back till December....promise (sorry Kandy)....commercials....yup, flip em...I just can not do it...can not not not. So this is a surprise to me right here, right now....I bought (yes me), I bought an X-mas album.....via Mr. Itunes.....thank you very much. I was skeptical of course, but I subscribe to one of my favorite musicians MySpace page Kate Havnevik, and she let us followers know that she has something new out...a la collaboration in this (UGH) Holiday Album....and well since I am pretty desperate for any of her music, I went to take a listen and low and is not bad at all....much of my favorite female artists KT Tunstall, Fionna Apple, Kate Perry (YA, I know, how odd), Sara Bareilles, Colbie Caillat...and Kate Havnevik....if you do not know her...find her!!!

Okay...I have blabbed enough....this year is definately a handmade I must get cracking....

oh and sorry Stef, I really had to buy that album....ya get into the "spirit" of things....ya ya...that's

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Day so far....I don't like November...

I almost dislike November as much as I dispise February....though not completely as much. The days get darker and colder instantly...that darned clock thing throws me all off my schedule (well it I had one that is) the dogs don't want to go out, and man they smell when they get back in...ugh...nope there is nothing pretty about November, the leaves have basically already fallen, the stunning October colour is gone....all the joy from doing that first batch of raking the leaves has gone, now that you have done it umpteen times. Even the waves on the lake are ugly...and ferocious in the cold wind, that whips by my ankles at 7 in the morning while I am waiting for the bus to pick up my kids. Which is another thing I kids leaving in the mornings...I actually like spending time with them in the mornings. We seem to have gotten a great routine in the morning going and it is complete non-stress....even when we get up late....which happens often :) Hot chocolate in the morning with banana bread....yum yum....I am going to have to invest in tiny marshmallows for the boys...not a fan of them, but they dress up the mug so well. Searching for Christmas ornaments is always fun....they are never packed in the same place year after year...and I always end up finding a new treasure from years some odd spot that I would never have thought I would have put it. New craft ideas are spurning around in my head...aprons, quilts, stuffies, POTHOLDERS!! things I have never thought to do before....November makes you reach really hard to find the best in is there...I know it is....dig deep and behind the dark and dreary will chocolate :)

As much as I hate spreading the word about these things....cause this means more interest and less chances for me to win....I must blog about the 12 days of Christmas giveaway it is such a nice idea, and great to help out for your holiday the link and get in on the action....

Also MY favorite giveaway ever....please please not click the no really.....don't click it. I am sure you can find something else to do...just don't click this link Don't you have laundry to fold or something? Who needs a gorgeously fabulous fantastic newly aged to perfection quilt....I mean it....DON'T CLICK....Don't click the link....walk back outta the room like you never saw this......but be warned if you do will never feel the same about a quilt.....sigh.....drool....

Gavyn came home today....early....he left the house feeling fine, but at 11am I got a call from the school that he wasn't feeling well. I was like "Really? because he was fine when he left this morning, is it his tummy? or a cold??" The gal on the other end of the phone did not know as she is "just" the secretary and was calling home because his aid asked her too. So.....I struggled with this....not knowing if I should send a taxi for him, or go myself...find out what is really wrong with him. I mean he is not the type to play sick...but he is the type to whine with every bump and a sniffle to him could be like could say he has a flair for the dramatic. So while really thinking about it, and knowing how I felt this morning about missing him :) I gave a phone call to Grandma to see if she was available to pic him up...I live in the middle of no where, and do not drive.....and she was happy to go and get him. They arrived about 40 mins later....and when they walked in...he of course, I asked him, what was wrong??? Apparently his NOSE sniffles, runny nose, or bruising just hurts???!!!! WTH.......Gavyn think that his aid may have mistook nose for ears....or maybe he did....but really.... I am aggravated that they sent him home so quickly, without any real kind of sickness, and that I had to ask Grandma to go and get him...grrrr....

But hey, I will take extra snuggle time any way I can :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I made the front page....hhehee....of Etsy :)

I know, I know....some of you just won't get it at all....and to be quite honest, I did not think I was going to think it was going to be a big deal...but oh my....hehehe....was I happy girl when I got to see this...

Mine of course is the little dress at the bottom....but OH how happy was I to see this...the front page rotates about every hour or so, so to actually catch see in it is pretty good....I actually STILL have it open on one of my it was early yesterday morning that is was up...yup...I am a little bit odd...hehehe...but I like me that way. Now the only reason that I actually caught this little bit of gold so early in the morning is because I am still going through my bouts of insomnia....sigh....and even worse it is not a productive insomnia. I spent most of the night up in chat, from FaceBook to Twitter....nicely got caught up with old friends and my sister...but nothing could get me into a tired enough state to get me into bed.....the reason is empty. Yes it is full of 3 very furry dogs....but it is empty enough to not want to get into it. I miss my husband tremendously that I am losing sleep over it. He calls me daily....sometimes umpteen times...but I need to hold him. We are a very touchy feely couple...after almost 15 years together and we are still like that....he is my air, my story, the reason why I love my life so much. He gave me my life 3 times over...and I need him by my side....not to feel complete....but just to feel in general. Sad state we

Can someone please just buy this we can be together again, and I can stop feeling so tragic.

Back to the sewing machine, and hopes that dreamland comes to me tonight....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lookie what I am doing... :)

I have been attempting....and attempting is the right word make a quilt. I have gotten the general concept down. I just do not quite understand how I can actually do a project that is longer than 3 hrs....I like quick helps the ADD in my life...I need to move from project to project....even if it is the same one over and over again, I need to keep moving....but this quilt thing has me stumped....I have the pc's cut, and most put together....this is all the quick part for me...but then I was told that I have to hand sew (GASP) the binding and the quilt together....can that be right??? how did those ladies do it way back when...beyond me. So it is a slowly/quickly thing this quilt of mine...I will enjoy seeing it when it is all done...and if all goes well I may try again. It reminds me of Spring, which maybe what I am missing right now...even though my favorite season is Fall....I love the Emo-ish of it....but I adore the colours of Spring (though maybe not the dingy smell)

Tristen (son number 2) is going through a ton right now...feelings of not being accepted, of self blame, and that the world is generally against him. While I feel horrible for him...he has to learn that he can not get everything in life by crying...sigh...drama for the day....he wants an e-mail of his own. And while I understand why he wants one, I just think that he is still to young and immature to handle the responsibilities of having one. He likes signing up for online games...which I am generally okay with him and his brothers long as they are not asking for money and downloading a bunch of crapola onto their puters. But in the past he has shown that he is not mature enough to handle it so it will be up for rediscussion maybe in a few months...but not right yet...he wants Facebook, and MySpace, and all those things that I really think that an 11 year old is to young to have, and hearing how some kids interact on those forms I do not want to subject him to that, especially since he is a very eager to please kind of boy, and takes things very sensitively. He doesn't need to extra drama in his life right now...but sometimes I wonder if I am being to over-protective....and if I should let him spread his wings little and get to know the wide world of ours....but for this moment...I think I it would be better if I was in full control....let's hope he will forgive me soon for this...while I like giving him the world...I want to keep him in it for as long as possible...and who knows what can happen out there....

Okay, getting off my Mommie Soap Box there now...

here is a little bit of a sneak peek again of my stuff that I am doing...this is the starting of the darned quilt...this will give you an idea of what I am up to with this at least and why I think Spring so much....

and I have a couple of new listings up on ebay that I am having fun with...I am loving the ease of the A-line dresses and the fact that they are completely wearable for anyday dress....this is a new one for me...

Thanks for taking a peek...and I still think I haven't figured out how to put a link in properly...grrrr....

There is a certain sadness about leaving......

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a New Day....

Started out as one of those "I'm gonna do everything" days....and slowly turned into

I have been having trouble sleeping since Stefan (the hubby) left....I basically always have when it is for long periods of time. But he usually comes back from a business trip and stays home for awhile inbetween before my schedule gets outta whack again. See going to bed at 3am and waking at 6am does not make for a productive Mommy at all....while I do try....along comes noon and I am out like a light for about 2 hrs. Which is thankfully while to kiddos are still at school...but man that is prime "doing stuff" hours. I did manage to walk the dogs, take out the recycling/garbage, and get the dishes done. I also had the task of catching up on all things internet worthy...but then I took a bath....I know....who takes a bath in the middle of the day?? Not I usually, but dumbly I did....and then laid down right after....and then that was it....

I woke up cursing myself....I swear (well not really) that I will not do this everyday to get myself back on track. But with DH being pretty much gone permanently until we sell the house and join him it does not look like I will be getting any beauty sleep for a long time coming....and boy am I needing it.

We had a great Halloween weekend though...the boys all had fun, and took home 24 pounds of really is so very very wrong. I am going to have to ditch some of it before it completely rots their teeth, and makes me gain that 24 good ole brat dog Sawyer is helping us out with that....who said that chocolate was deadly to dogs did not tell this pooch... He ate at least half of Tristen's bag-o-candy....even though it was in the cupboard and up high, the stinking sneaky dog still managed to get it....never fails....everytime we go out, he always finds something to destroy. I think he just likes to outsmart us...grrr..... We did the annual pilgrimage to Zellars to pick up all the boys snow stuff....hats,mitts, snowsuits (Kyle is now to cool for snowpants). Gavyn is now wearing a sz 18.....the boy is 8.....I am scared....while not in length, the boy is all torso, he is definately in the waist...and I get to do a lot of tailoring...hemming snowpants is not one of my labours of love, but I will for him...:)

Last but not least...I have been sewing up a storm these days, and I hope to fill a up a new etsy store...why? I don't know...cause I am silly that way...hehehe...I recently listed a couple of things with ebay for the NieNie Recovery launch...if you would like to see what is listed, please go to ebay and search NieRecovery...I have some sweet Silhouette dresses is a sneak peek...

please if you have a moment and check out all the listings for her...I have a link in my sidebar that will take you to the story of NieNie and her amazing strength...I am in awe...

Coming up later on this month the POP!kids ebay group (the one I am in) and The Jaynes will be having their annual dual launch called Nifty Fifty....where you can find great Gifties for under Fifty.....all with BIN's....great time to pick up some great stocking stuffers and OOAK unique treats....more of that to come soon....and I will get some sneakies out for that too.....hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend...