Monday, May 24, 2010

My Very First Clafouti and Knotty Dress's....

One of the fun things that I picked up at this weekends Garage Sale was this great looking recipe book called Luscious Berry Desserts

In a nutshell...the book is pretty sweet (see what I did there...desserts=sweet....ya ya I know). Tons of "healthy" recipes for me to try. Especially during the warm Summer months coming. I love new cookbooks....especially the yummy kind. So I opened the book and went looking through it today to see if I had any ingredients in the house to make a Yummy for after dinner today. Dessert is an essential meal in this house....if it is not happening people just do not eat (that just could say a ton for my cooking, not my baking though). As I was skimming I came across a recipe for a Raspberry Almond Clafouti. I first heard about this dessert from fabulous blogger Posie Gets Cozy she is my favorite blog to stalk. I have made so so many recipes from her site I just can not even count that high, heck she is probably the reason that my kids still eat my food, by the mere chance that I might make one of her concoctions for dinner....but I digress :)

The Clafouti was a dessert she introduced me to....not quite a cake....almost pancake like....but again not. It is set in a glass pie dish and I substituted Blackberries for Raspberries because that is what I had on hand....I also think I should have added a twitch of Cinnamon or nutmeg as it was a little bland...but that is the fun with recipes....making it your own....but I will try again...with the twists.....and oh ya....whip cream must be dolloped out in heaps. Oh and please ignore the "greasy" look to it....I literally had just pulled it out of the oven and it was still bubbling, it turned into a nice crispy texture.

Made a couple of Knotty Dress's that I will be adding to the MisMatched Molly store tomorrow or Wednesday....a few of them will be Customs...So WOOT for me....more sewing ;) Here is a couple of pics...

I need to keep telling myself that the iron is my friend and that I should not be afraid to use it....but darn it, I keep burning I am a bit tentative to use it. Gotta learn how to tumble dry iron :) So hopefully these will be up and in the shop in a bit.....

But for to dreamland....I clocked in 9 miles of walking 45 mins on the my feet hurt a little bit.....just a little bitty bit :))


Amy said...

Hey pal, that looks yummy! What fun, I wish we had better garage sales here. Dresses look fab as always, love the fabric combos:)

LiPeony said...

mmm that looks delicious though never heard of a dessert like that o_o ... cute dresses too =D